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About Roscoe

  • Birthday 05/26/1946

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    Methil Fife
  • Interests
    Following Scotland
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    Armadale Sons of Wallace

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  1. Can you imagine being a first time voter ever, and voting your country into Independence. What an awesome wonderful thought for all those youngsters in particular. Man,I am a tad jealous lol. What a memory to take into adulthood knowing their own imput made it possible for it to happen. Go kids go
  2. Well Nobby, when all of Scotlands revenue stops going into Westminster Coffers. I would say we are off to a better start than the restof uk. And you can sit back and watch Westminster freeload to London and the South east a good whack of your money. But keep a stiff upper lip , they will promise you the earth to shut up and leave them be. Might even offer you some tiny devolved powers as a wee sweetener And swear undying love for you. Now that can't be bad can it?.
  3. Just had Ipsos MORI pollsters on the phone. Registered with them that I am a YES voter. Said their poll will be on STV at 6pm on Wednesday. Won't be long now. Yes Yes Yes
  4. Nice to see someone at last on BBC where they couldn't EDIT it out, say that the BBC have been a disgrace in fair coverage of the Referendum. Tommy Sheridan would not allow himself to be preached at. Well done to him, and I hope a good lot of undecides were watching. Bet they have hardly heard of the West Coast oil. Well Tommy made sure they know now. Well done to him.
  5. BP will not leave the North Sea until they have got every last barrel out of their operations there, for all their scaremongering as well.'' BUT '', I hope when we are Independent, that the Scottish Government will just say we do not need you in the West Coast Atlantic Margin as we have other neutral Oil Companies to speak to. I for one would want us to keep out these backstabbing turds out when eventually these oil fields are fully discovered and up and running.
  6. I don't believe the Record polls or Yougov. I think that Yes are WELL in front. The frenzy of Bitter Together with their threating undertones has not been working. They are coming in droves up here because its their LAST roll of the dice, I think the Grassroots Yes campaign is doing a fantastic job and they will not stop till 10pm on the 18th .
  7. If any of our beautiful lassies burn their bras in celebration of a yes vote, please don't go oot and buy wan oh that millionaire garbage talking Mone's.
  8. Those kids were good tonight,and I thought were receptive to running their own country in the future. I also think Ruth Wishart was squirming with embarrassment having Galloway spouting pish, and these kids showed it with their jeering. Labour must be having a heart attack now that Galloway says that he is one of them now. What a lying tit he is.
  9. Will the British Biased Corporation show the First Ministers talk today, to the whole of the Scottish people in its entirety tonight , or just wee snippets as a lip jester to suit their masters
  10. Switched over to Pistorios crap from First Ministers speech. What a shower of biased ignorance to a vital speech from the First Minister. I hope people remember this when they vote.
  11. Hightower, many thanks to you and the lasses for getting me sorted out with an Hotel when I was downstairs with nowhere to go. I had a great room and the meals were very good when I reached the Holiday Inn. I am VERY grateful to you all You are all STANDUP folks and a real pleasure to see you Thank you Roscoe
  12. Dylang, I will be putting my money in another Bank whether it is English run or not. But I will NOT be leaving it in a bank that has come OUT against its own customers for having voted Yes . This is designed to sway voters into voting No. They don't give a flying about what is good for Scotland, only whats good for theirselves and the paymasters in London.
  13. Most people will see this as a Threat to shut down in Scotland. The elderly like me and most other people will see it as that. and that is their INTENTION.
  14. I am with the RBS ( but not for long ). This is Financial Terrorism from an effin bank that Scottish taxpayers helped to bail out as well, and still far away from paying us back. As the so called poll stands at the moment, they are THREATENING half the country. IF and when we vote YES, I for one want Scotlands share of the bailout returned to us at the same speed as they take to leave Scotland. As for BP, they are not going anywhere until they get their last barrel out of the oilfields in our waters. England is welcome to them as this bank has form for mismanagement ,like a bus there will be another one along soon.
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